
Sand vs cartridge filter – what’s the difference?

Pool Fliter

If you’re investing in a new pool it’s important to remember it will need ongoing maintenance. Regular cleaning will help keep the water healthy and ensure it’s in great condition for you and your family all year round. 

Pool filters are essential for keeping your water clean, but choosing the right one can be a difficult decision if you’re not familiar with how they work. When choosing a filter you need to consider its efficiency, cost and maintenance requirements. 

The basics – what is the purpose of a pool filter? 

The filtration system is vital to removing debris from the pool and keeping it clean. 

The pool’s pump circulates the water and the debri enters the filter where it is removed through filtration and then enters back into the pool. 

At Coast Pool Construction we recommend two types of filters, sand and cartridge. What you choose will depend on your preferences, but here’s information about both. 

Filter cleaning

The cartridge filter can be cleaned by a garden hose by opening the filter. The sand filter has to be connected to a sewer and it has to be cleaned by backwash. 

Pool Filter Gold Coast

Price and replacement

The cartridge filter is cheaper than the sand filter, but needs to be replaced every 2 to 4 years. 

The sand filter needs a sand change every 5 to 8 years to keep working efficiently, but will cost less than a cartridge filter. 


The sand filter is bigger than the cartridge filter, which is smaller and narrower. 

Cleaning capacity

The cartridge filter can pick up finer particles of pollution in your pool. It can pick up particles as small as talcum powder and mould spores. The cartridge filter picks up particles from 10 to 15 microns in size, while the sand filter picks up particles from 20 to 40 microns in size. 


To install a sand filter you will need a plumber, whereas you may not need one to install a cartridge filter. 

Let’s summarise the advantages of both filters. 

Cartridge filter:

  • Doesn’t require somewhere to backwash.
  • Takes up less room than a sand filter.
  • Can be cleaned easily with a garden hose. 
  • Collects finer particles. 

Sand filter: 

  • Requires less frequent replacement.
  • Easy to use.
  • Good for larger pools.
  • Collets particles 20 to 40 microns in size. 

Pool construction with Coast Pools

During construction the team at Coast Pool Construction are here to help guide you every step of the way. We only use the highest quality materials and filters to ensure you get the most out of your new pool and the water stays healthy. 

If you’d like to connect with Coast Pool Construction and discuss the design of your new pool, contact us online or call 0487 300 136.


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